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Cosmetic Surgery Passion: Dr Ajay Hariani’s Inspirational Voyage

Cosmetic Surgery Passion: Dr Ajay Hariani's Inspirational Voyage

After completing his MCH training in plastic surgery from Grant Medical College, JJ Hospital in 1995, Dr Ajay Hariani began his career.  He worked alongside the late Dr Narindra Pandya, a renowned celebrity cosmetic surgeon, at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai.

At that time, cosmetic surgery procedures were limited, mostly involving rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and liposuction. During his training at the government institute, cosmetic procedures were rare, with only a few instances of liposuction observed – approximately two or three cases.

After four to five years, he worked with mega liposuction and laser pioneer Dr Lakshyajit D Dhami. That is when his journey in aesthetic studies truly commenced. 

He shares, “Our practice encompassed both surgical and non-surgical procedures, marking a journey of almost 29 years in the field of cosmetic and plastic surgery.” Excerpts from his journey:

How have you seen the evolution of aesthetic medicine treatments in your 25-year career, and what significant advancements or changes have you witnessed?

Initially, our focus was mainly on plastic and breast augmentation surgeries. Then, we entered the era of mega liposuction, body contouring, Blepharoplasty, and laser treatments.

However, in the last decade, there has been a remarkable surge in non-surgical aesthetic procedures like thread lifts, facial rejuvenation, and laser resurfacing. There is a growing interest in office-based procedures with minimal downtime as people strive to enhance their appearance.

The emergence of Hypho, MNRF, botanical toxins, injectable fillers, Lipolysis, and various non-invasive facial rejuvenation methods caters to younger generations seeking confidence-building treatments. The field has shifted from predominantly invasive procedures to a wide array of non-invasive options, showcasing continuous and expansive growth.

Many clients are inclined towards office procedures, emphasising minimal downtime while seeking a rejuvenated, glowing facial profile. Often, this requirement aligns with professional demands and the desire to maintain an appealing appearance. The growing demand for such procedures is certainly noticeable.

How do you manage patient expectations to ensure a balance between their desires and realistic outcomes in cosmetic surgery?

Patient expectations and the reality of therapeutic outcomes often run parallel. Aesthetic practitioners frequently face the challenge of meeting every patient’s demands. Occasionally, even when the treatment achieves optimal results, patients might remain dissatisfied, based on their perception of the treatment’s outcome.

There is an old saying that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Many clients have notably high expectations and tend to compare themselves to celebrities, disregarding the fact that all skin types vary. I emphasise that medical science is not absolute; otherwise, there would be no advancement.

Sometimes the equation in medicine is not straightforward; it is not always 2 plus 2 equals 4; occasionally, it is 3, and occasionally, it is even an excellent 5. Building a good rapport with patients and explaining these nuances usually mitigates issues surrounding expectations.

How do you stay updated with the latest advancements in cosmetic surgery?

As a member of organisations like IAAPS, the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, I actively engage in creating awareness and staying informed. There are numerous international and Indian congresses, webinars, hands-on workshops, and video libraries where we share and learn from each other’s experiences.

Additionally, keeping up with aesthetic medicine updates and reading journals helps immensely. I firmly believe it is crucial to stay updated rather than risk being outdated in this field.

Do you notice differences in how newer surgeons approach patients compared to earlier practices?

Certainly, the younger generation tends to be more tech-savvy, focusing on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. However, there is a shift in spending less time with patients. Ideally, building rapport before treatment is crucial, which sometimes seems rushed with the younger surgeons. Communication is key in healthcare, ensuring a better relationship and enhancing patient safety.

Do you have specific measures in place to ensure patient safety throughout their journey at your clinic – from the initial consultation to post-procedure care?

We ensure thorough explanations right from admission, pre-op procedures, and detailed discussions well in advance. Informed consent is crucial, covering both photography and treatment. It is about respecting patient autonomy and always adhering to the principle of doing good and avoiding harm.

Confidentiality is paramount; we prioritise patient privacy and dignity, steering clear of displaying celebrity photographs or morphed images. Honesty guides our interactions – we do not manipulate images or mislead patients. If something does not go as planned, taking responsibility and rectifying it is key.

Dr Ajay Hariani’s full interview has been featured in the Aesthetic Medicine India digital edition. To get your copy, CLICK HERE.