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Know About Hormones and their Influence on Weight Management

hormonal person

The realm of aesthetic medicine is a dynamic landscape where dermatologists and aesthetic plastic surgeons. They continuously strive to help individuals achieve their desired appearance. Amid the pursuit of beauty and wellness, one crucial yet often underestimated factor emerges. Which is hormones and their profound influence on weight management.


    • Insulin, our blood sugar conductor, can lead to insulin resistance and increased fat storage. This happens when sugar levels are elevated for a longer period due to excessive sugar consumption. 
    • Leptin, the ‘satiety hormone’, communicates fullness signals to our brains, yet disruptions often found in obesity can also lead to overeating. 
    • Ghrelin, the hunger messenger, emanating from our stomach, stimulates appetite and, when overactive, potentially causes weight gain.
    • Thyroid hormones, T3 and T4, act as metabolic conductors; hypothyroidism can slow metabolism and induce weight gain. 
    • Cortisol, our ‘stress hormone’, surges in response to stress, increasing appetite, especially for comfort foods, and promoting abdominal fat storage. 
    • Sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone impact body composition and metabolism; imbalances can trigger weight gain and altered fat distribution. 
    • Adiponectin and resistin, born in fat cells, modulate insulin sensitivity and inflammation. Low adiponectin and high resistin levels are linked to obesity and insulin resistance.” 
    • Peptide YY and GLP-1, gastrointestinal hormones, fine-tune satiety signals and appetite regulation.
    • Hunger hormones such as orexin, neuropeptide Y, and agouti-related protein influence food-seeking behaviour and appetite. 
    • Melatonin, the sleep maestro, governs sleep patterns; poor sleep disrupts appetite-regulating hormones and prompts weight gain.


Lifestyle elements such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress management; and, when necessary, hormone therapy, are vital notes in this harmonious symphony, preserving overall health. Together, they form the key to sustainable weight management through hormonal changes.

Aesthetic procedures can be valuable tools for body contouring and fat reduction. Especially when hormonal fluctuations contribute to weight gain and changes in body composition. 

Understanding the intricate relationship between hormonal changes and weight management is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It involves science-backed strategies, from nutrition to stress management, that empower individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being.


While Shriyal Sethumadhavan explores how hormonal changes impact metabolism and weight gain; Dr Rickson Pereira elaborates on aesthetic procedures that complement efforts to manage weight gain during hormonal fluctuations. Dr Archana Batra, Dietician, and Certified Diabetes Educator in Gurgaon; and Dr Rohini Patil, MBBS & Nutritionist; provide insights into the nutritional aspect of weight management amidst hormonal shifts.

For the full story on what these doctors have shared, get your copy of the magazine now: https://rebrand.ly/aug-septedition

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