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5 Most Chosen Cosmetic Treatments by Men

In the evolving realm of cosmetic treatments, men have enthusiastically embraced the world of cosmetology, breaking free from outdated stereotypes. The societal shift towards a heightened focus on appearance, fueled by the rise of the ‘metrosexual’ and the influence of social media, has prompted men to explore and opt for various cosmetic procedures.

For far too long, people erroneously regarded cosmetic treatments as exclusive to women. Fortunately, the current generation is rectifying this misconception, with men confidently embracing change and opting for cosmetic enhancements when desired.

The grooming market for men is thriving, with India leading the Asia-Pacific region in new beauty product launches for men. Beyond traditional fitness routines, men are increasingly prioritizing self-care. In a world dominated by Instagram, the desire to look one’s best has transcended gender boundaries. In India alone, there was a notable 19.3% surge in cosmetic treatments in 2021.

Before committing to any cosmetic procedure, consulting with a cosmetologist for proper information and guidance is crucial.


Also known as male breast syndrome, gynaecomastia surgery addresses the imbalance of testosterone and estrogen hormones, leading to an increase in breast gland tissue. This is a prevalent choice among men in their late teens and early 20s.


Men of all ages widely favour liposuction as a cosmetic treatment for targeting stubborn fat, especially in the abdominal area.


Both men and women seek rhinoplasty. It is commonly known as a nose job. It is a process to alter the shape and appearance of the nose, addressing dissatisfaction with size or shape.


Men, often particular about their hair, commonly opt for hair transplant procedures to address concerns about a receding hairline. Non-surgical alternatives are also available for those exploring different options.


Botox injections are gaining popularity among both men and women, aiming to reduce fine lines on the forehead and neck or address signs of ageing and sagging cheeks. While not permanent, these injections provide a temporary solution, requiring periodic treatments for sustained results.

In a society increasingly valuing self-expression and individuality, men are asserting their right to pursue cosmetic treatments without gender constraints. Embracing these procedures is a personal choice, and as the demand continues to rise, the cosmetic industry is evolving to cater to diverse preferences.

Courtesy Link (Rehash): https://www.gqindia.com/content/5-most-common-cosmetic-treatments-men-are-getting-done